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Celebrating 65 Years of Brooklyn Temple!


           The Brooklyn Temple of Seventh-day Adventists was planted through the seed sowing of Brother and Sister Sidney Armstrong who felt impelled to do missionary work in Brooklyn, New York. The church grew out of door to door work and bible studies given at the home of its members. The bible studies group increased rapidly and a storefront had to be rented on Dean Street. The owner of the storefront allowed the Armstrongs to keep Sabbath services and Sunday night meetings and many souls were won to the message.

           In 1934, they relocated to 506 Gates Avenue and organized the Gates Avenue Mission. Elder Armstrong worked full time at his profession to support his family while shouldering the full expenses of the Mission. During the winter months, they brought coal from home to heat the place. On Sabbath mornings, they made many trips with their car bringing people to the Mission. With only the Master's business on their minds, the work triumphed.


            In 1943, the Gates Avenue Mission moved to 565 Stone Avenue in Brownsville. The Armstrongs prayed for their lives to be spared to see the Mission organized into a church; and their prayers were answered. In September 1943, the Mission was organized into the Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists as the Brownsville Seventh-day Adventist Church by Pastor C.M. Bunker, the then President of the Conference.


           On Sabbath morning, February 26, 1944 while Elder and Sister Armstrong were on their way to church, Elder Armstrong asked his son to take his brief-case, then he fell to the ground and died. His work on earth was finished. He now awaits the second coming of our Lord when he shall hear the words "Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant, Enter Into The Joy Of Your Lord" In March, 1945, Pastor North became the first Pastor of the Brownsville Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pastor North brought more vision and enthusiasm to the church. He challenged the congregation to purchase its own building and immediately began a building fund. In 1947, the church purchased a lot on St. Marks Avenue. The church changed its meeting place several times after but was determined, by the help of God, to purchase a permanent church building where the members could worship and fellowship.


          In 1959, after much fasting and prayer, the congregation purchased a building a 3 Lewis Avenue where they are presently worshipping. In that same year the name was changed from Brownville Seventh-day Adventist Church to Brooklyn Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church. Over the years, the church has experienced a steady growth in its membership under the leadership of a number of consecrated and dynamic Pastors who have served the congregation in the order listed: Pastors Theodore X. Perry, George Timpson, Harold Baptiste, Milton Thomas, Sebert Anderson, Gilbert Foster, Roy Ashmeade, Craig Dossman, Desmond Francis, Arthur Morgan, Philip Wesley, Brian Carter, Stafford H. Byers, Marlving P. Charlet, Pastor Richard Calhoun Sr., Rohan Simpson, James Gbolo, Harris Thompson. Presently, the leadership is under the guidance of C. Billy Leslie.

           Our prayer is that the banner of love which has brought us this far by Faith, will continue to reign over us throughout the coming years. May our praises ascend continually as grateful incense to the sky as we...



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